If you're a fan of humans and videogames and how these things interact, you should totally subscribe to my new podcast: Checkpoints.
The past of electronic entertainment.
You can download/subscribe/review it on iTunes here: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/checkpoints-declan-dineen/id961200224
Or visit the website: checkpointspodcast.com
It officially launched yesterday, and it'l be out every two weeks from now on with a new and amazing guest from the video game industry. My first guest was Leo Tan: PR extraordinaire, Tony Hawks nemesis and Guitar Hero pimp. Ladies love his driller skills.
If you're impatient for the next installment, you can listen to the show live on subcity radio every Monday in-between podcasts. Check out the first via their listen again page: http://www.subcity.org/shows/checkpoints/
Really hope you like it. I'm very proud of how it's turning out so far so please do share this around, I think it's a keeper.