#meetandtweet - PHASE TWO complete
Look at all these beautiful faces.
This is fourteen days of fun. This is 50 followers. This is Birmingham, Stafford, Derby, Nottingham, London, Brighton, Bournemouth, Exeter, Bristol, Bath, Newport, Cardiff, Bridgend, Port Talbot, Cheltenham and Manchester.
It feels like I've been away for months. There's almost too much to write about.
I could talk about travel: I could tell you about the lock in I had in a pub in Dalston with a wonderful array of people and faces from around the world. Or the spectacle of spectacles and haircuts in Brick Lane. Or how I met a University. Or how the joy of adventure when leaving sunny Glasgow was crushed by bleakness and storms of Birmingham New Street station. Or how Brighton was foul thanks to bin strikes. Or how my hometown is now a shadow of it's former self. Or how brilliant Manchester is.
I could talk about the people: The magic of seeing old friends and colleagues that I'd not seen in a decade. The thrill of putting faces to names I'd been conversing with online for years. The sheer volume of skills, talents and occupations: writers, musicians, magicians, artists, sportsmen, councillors, lawyers, coders, designers, charity workers, lobbyists... The common threads that started to emerge from the chats I had; social media starting to become a bit of a grind, the logistics of trying to make a mark creatively with a culture that is increasingly democratised, how for many of the people I've met meeting strangers on the internet has completely shaped their lives.
I will tell you all about that. Later. I promise. First I need to rest. Then I'll begin with the followers that are left: #meetandtweet PHASE 3.
Really, huge and serious thanks to everyone who came out to meet me/gave me somewhere to stay/ didn't attempt to kill me.
@lynchja73, @hawkerem72, @UniofNottingham, @BenSherw, @da_watk, @danielnaca, @mike_denney, @nickyj800, @deanslogash, @barrym, @joffB, @DavidSteer, @OliveRocks, @Blibblobblib, @usherette, @jonattaway, @boothjop, @FlashBangBand, @armyoftrolls, @ScriptwritingUK, @boomruinBMRN, @JohnSelf, @KeironDineen, @Daniel_Dineen, @jameswent1981, @chrispevans1, @rhea_stevens, @TimRooney1, @netocconnell, @adamdineen, @BenLikesMusic, @purple_amigo, @Mariaz84, @chantzgriff, @samledabb, @GlynnNimron, @huwman, @GingeKnievil, @joseph_dineen, @anndineen, @HelReynolds, @sdrhod, @Philomena_95, @aclueaday, @stuttardminx, @mickhowarth, @amycytic, @juamei, @adammarkrose