#meetandtweet - Today has been Mental
I was featured in a news segment on the radio last week, and yesterday I got a call from the BBC asking if I wanted to do a quick interview for the magazine piece. We had a brief chat yesterday afternoon, it went up late last night, then today this happened.
It's slightly overwhelming. Part of me started to panic earlier because my follower count doubled and I was only 6 people away from finishing the whole thing and now here's a new influx of smart and funny people.
I do have an idea of how to finish at the 150 whilst still including all the new people who have joined in though. I'll post about it in a day or two.
The ballooning twitter account was always a risk but I honestly never thought it would be an issue. I didn't think people would be that interested. This is a lark!
Today has been mental.
This translated quote from one of the Russian sites sums it up best:
"One day I will die, and so at least will have something to tell you,"